Cadastral Surveying is the sub-field of cadastre and surveying that specialises in the establishment and re-establishment of real property boundaries. It involves the physical delineation of property boundaries and determination of dimensions, areas and certain rights associated with properties. Our range of Cadastral Projects include

  1. Township Establishment.
  2. Subdivisions.
  3. Consolidation.
  4. Servitude Registration.
  5. Boundary Relocation and Land Surveyor certificate

Hadzhi Land Surveyors has done a lot of Cadastral Surveying in the past 4 years. Just to name a few Blue Hills ext 103 Township, The Hills ext 11 Township etc.

Cadastral Surveying is always done under the supervision of a Registered Professional Land Surveyors as required by The South African Geomatics Council.

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Cadastral Surveying
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